Exploring Careers in Music Production: Guide to Audio Engineering & More

Music production is a complex and multifaceted field, with a wide range of jobs and responsibilities. Whether you are an aspiring music producer or an established professional, there are numerous approaches you can take to succeed in this industry. 

Each job in music production requires a unique set of skills and expertise, and understanding the nuances of each role can help you excel in your career. 

In this article, we will explore some of the key jobs in music production, and provide insights on how to approach each one to achieve success. 

From audio engineering to beat-making, we'll cover the essential elements that make each job in music production unique, and offer tips to help you excel in your chosen field. 

So, whether you're just starting out or looking to take your music production career to the next level, these are some specific jobs in music production:

  • Record Producer
  • Chief Audio Engineer
  • Assistant Audio Engineer
  • Mix Engineer
  • Mastering Engineer
  • Studio Manager
  • Sound FX Creator
  • Foley Artist
  • Post Production Audio Engineer
  • Loopmaker
  • Preset Designer
  • Audio in video production
  • Live Sound Engineer
  • Broadcaster

Record Producer

A record producer is a professional in the music industry who is responsible for overseeing and managing the recording process of a music album. They work closely with the artist or band, helping to guide and shape their sound, and ensure that the final product meets the highest standards of quality. From selecting and arranging songs to coaching performances and managing the technical aspects of the recording, a record producer plays a critical role in the creation of a successful album. They collaborate with other music professionals such as sound engineers, songwriters, and session musicians, and work to ensure that the final product is a cohesive and compelling representation of the artist's vision.

Chief Audio Engineer

A chief audio engineer is a highly skilled professional who oversees the technical aspects of recording, mixing, and mastering music. They are responsible for ensuring that the final product meets the highest standards of sound quality and clarity. A chief audio engineer manages the recording studio and supervises a team of sound engineers to ensure that all technical aspects of the recording process run smoothly. They have extensive knowledge of music production software and equipment, and work closely with producers and artists to achieve the desired sound for a recording.

Assistant Audio Engineer

An assistant audio engineer is a professional who supports the chief audio engineer in the recording, mixing, and mastering of music (and sometimes would also say making coffee). They assist with technical tasks, including setting up equipment, troubleshooting technical issues, and performing routine maintenance on recording equipment. They also assist with tasks related to the creative aspects of music production, such as editing and processing audio tracks. An assistant audio engineer works closely with the chief audio engineer and other members of the production team to ensure that the technical aspects of the recording process run smoothly. They are often responsible for managing the studio and ensuring that all equipment is properly maintained and calibrated.

Mix Engineer

A mix engineer is a professional in the music industry who is responsible for the technical aspects of combining and balancing multiple audio tracks to create a final stereo mix. They work closely with producers and artists to ensure that each individual track is mixed to achieve the desired overall sound of the final product. A mix engineer has a deep understanding of various mixing techniques and tools and uses their expertise to ensure that the mix sounds cohesive and balanced. They are responsible for managing levels, panning, and applying various effects and processors to individual tracks to achieve a polished, professional final product.

Mastering Engineer

A mastering engineer is a professional in the music industry who is responsible for the final stage of audio production. They are highly skilled in the technical and creative aspects of audio mastering, which involves balancing and enhancing the individual tracks of a recording to achieve a polished and consistent final product. A mastering engineer uses specialized software and equipment to balance levels, optimize frequency response, and apply various dynamics processing and stereo enhancement techniques. The goal of mastering is to ensure that the final product is optimized for playback on various audio systems, including streaming services, vinyl, and CD.

Sometimes, they overlap

There are Mix engineers that also work as Mastering engineers, especially when working on singles because the workload is more manageable.

Studio Manager

A studio manager is a professional who oversees the day-to-day operations of a recording studio. They are responsible for managing the studio's finances, booking clients, and coordinating with clients to ensure their needs are met. A studio manager works closely with the recording engineers and other professionals to ensure that the studio runs smoothly and efficiently. They are also responsible for managing the studio's inventory, equipment, and supplies, and ensuring that everything is properly maintained and replaced when necessary.

Sound FX Creator

A sound FX creator is a professional who specializes in the creation and recording of sound effects for various forms of media, including film, television, and video games. They use a variety of tools and techniques to create and manipulate sounds, ranging from everyday objects to digital synthesizers. Sound FX creators work closely with directors and producers to develop and create soundscapes that enhance the overall experience of the viewer or player. They use their creativity and technical knowledge to ensure that the sound effects are unique, realistic, and fit the context of the project.

Foley Artist

A Foley artist is a professional who specializes in creating and recording sound effects for various forms of media, such as film, television, and video games. They use various props and equipment to create sound effects that mimic real-life sounds, such as footsteps, clothing rustling, and other background noises. Foley artists work closely with directors and producers to ensure that the sound effects are appropriate for the context of the project and add a layer of realism and depth to the audio. They use their creativity and technical knowledge to ensure that the sound effects match the visuals and help to create a cohesive and immersive experience for the viewer or player.

Post-Production Audio Engineer

A post-production audio engineer is a professional in the film, television, and video production industry who specializes in the technical aspects of audio post-production. They work closely with the film or video editor to create a cohesive audio track that matches the visual content of the project. Post-production audio engineers use various tools and techniques to enhance and manipulate the audio content, such as adjusting levels, removing unwanted noise, and applying effects and processing to achieve the desired sound. They are also responsible for mixing and mastering the audio to ensure that it is optimized for playback on various systems.


A music loops maker is a professional who creates short musical phrases or "loops" that can be used as a building block for music production. These loops are often used in music production software to create beats, melodies, and other musical elements. Music loops makers use various digital tools, such as digital audio workstations and synthesizers, to create these short musical phrases. They may specialize in different genres or styles of music, and may work on custom loops for clients or create loop libraries for use by other music producers.

Preset Designer

A synth preset designer is a professional who creates sound presets for synthesizers and other digital instruments. These presets are pre-configured sounds that can be easily loaded into music production software and used in music production. Synth preset designers use various digital tools, such as digital audio workstations and synthesizers, to create these presets. They may specialize in different genres or styles of music, and may work on custom presets for clients or create preset libraries for use by other music producers. By hiring a skilled synth preset designer, music producers can access high-quality, unique, and customized sound presets for their productions, resulting in more efficient and creative music production. Overall, a synth preset designer is an important part of the music production industry, especially in the digital age.

Audio in video production

A video production audio professional is a specialist who works in the technical aspects of producing and managing audio content for video productions. They are responsible for setting up, recording, and editing audio content for video projects, such as movies, TV shows, and commercials. Video production audio professionals use their technical skills to ensure that the sound quality is optimized for the medium, which can involve using various processing techniques, such as equalization, compression, and noise reduction. They work closely with the director and other members of the production team to ensure that the audio content is appropriate for the project's overall vision and goals.

Live Sound Engineer

A live sound engineer is a professional who specializes in the technical aspects of live music events. They are responsible for setting up, mixing, and managing the sound systems for live concerts and other events, such as festivals, conferences, and theatrical performances. Live sound engineers use their technical expertise to ensure that the sound is balanced and optimized for the venue and the audience. They are also responsible for troubleshooting any technical issues that arise during the event, such as equipment failures or interference.


A radio audio professional is a specialist who works in the technical aspects of producing and managing audio content for radio programs. They are responsible for setting up, recording, and editing audio content for radio shows, such as music, interviews, and news broadcasts. Radio audio professionals use their technical skills to ensure that the sound quality is optimized for the medium, which can involve using compression, equalization, and other processing techniques. They are also responsible for managing the sound equipment and troubleshooting any technical issues that may arise during the production process.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, the music production industry is a diverse and dynamic field that encompasses a wide range of specialized roles and professionals. Whether you're a record producer, chief audio engineer, assistant audio engineer, mix engineer, mastering engineer, studio manager, sound FX creator, Foley artist, post-production audio engineer, live sound engineer, or someone who works on the audio for radio, video productions, video games, music loops, or synth presets, each role plays an essential part in the creation and production of high-quality audio content. By hiring skilled professionals in these areas, music producers can ensure that their projects have high-quality, engaging, and immersive audio content that enhances the overall quality of the final product. Whether you're creating music, movies, TV shows, commercials, video games, or other forms of audio content, investing in the right professionals is essential for success in this exciting and rewarding industry.

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